
WALMART • Post-Purchase • Order Details


Project Summary & Problem

The Post-Purchase section / Order Details on the website was very chaotic. Users would complain about having trouble understanding past purchases, and how to cancel them and return items, especially on mobile view, where they had to extensively scroll or click on several links to view what they needed. The overall design was confusing, lengthy, and hard to navigate.

Methodolgies & Outcome

The solution was to create a unique experience with a flexible system where cards were better broken down showing order by shipment for greater clarity. Each card was completely redesigned with the option to have a collapsed and expanded view, where details could be seen with a better visual hierarchy in a more organized and consistent way. After several iterations considering the results of user testing, explorations of competitors, and careful feedback from the Product Owner and the Design team, the final project was finally approved and the card style became a component of the new Design System.


Final Designs